Wednesday 23 January 2013


Today it is snowing again. This is really disrupting my video and the days we have to film are getting fewer. When things go bad you have to improvise and thats exactly what I will hopefully do today. I am hoping to recreate the shots I have taken already but in the snow, with Josh in winter clothes. The clothes and the scenery will look different but the composition of the shots will stay the same. In the video we can hopefully then flick backward and forward between snow and sun!

Thursday 10 January 2013

First Shoot!

We have just finished our first shoot and got some great shots. Here is an image to give you an idea of location and the first look at the video.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Horrible Crows 'Behold the Hurricane'

Corin Hardy's Behold the Hurricane video is the type of video I would like to shoot. It is focused on mostly just one character and his feelings. The Superman song expresses lots of emotion and anger and this song by The Horrible Crows is a good match and inspiration to filming my video.